When I was a small boy growing up outside Bristol, Fear was something I lived with!

If there was a school trip – forget it! I was not doing that! If I needed to talk in front of people – no chance!

Fear stopped me in my tracks! And it stood in the way of my dreams!


Anxiety, anxiousness, worry, fear are all real things – that actually exist in your mind and then manifest in your body! Usually as an uncomfortable sensation!!

There were a series of posters that really caught my attention at that time called – NO FEAR and my very favourite one was of a mountain climber and the words DON’T LET FEAR STAND IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS! – it was sheer coincide I met that climber years later!

DON’T LET THE FEAR STAND IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS! became my mantra – anything that stirred up fear I faced – I started martial arts to battle the fear of falling (judo) and getting hit (boxing) – I started public speaking (reading in church) – I travelled/worked and studied around the world. I worked as a ‘doorman’ to confront people’s worst behaviour (and my own)

Little by little I expanded my comfort zone and built confidence – confidence is from the Latin ‘with faith’ – that is the feeling within that what you’re doing is worth it! It gives power to the life you live!

There is a line between confidence and arrogance – arrogance is inflated ego led bravado that has a very thin shell and easily bursts whilst confidence proper is self refereed and spirt led recognising that whilst you are no better than anyone else, you are no lesser too! All are equal and because of that fear can not take hold!

That doesn’t mean you no longer worry! Of course you still do – however the sting in the tail of the worry no longer has such a debilitating effect!!

So how do you build confidence in yourself and in each other?

There are lots of ways to build faith in yourself and those around you – first you recognise your current limits! And then expand them, as a coach and especially as a martial arts instructor, some of the techniques can be difficult to do! Yet with persistence and encouragement; belief in an ability to do that technique grows! with praise and encouragement from others, but more importantly from within, a faith, a confidence starts to sprout, and like the little shoot as you water and nurture it – so that shoot grows and blooms!

Ask – How can you expand your comfort zone? How can you help yourself and others to grow in confidence?

Namaste – have a great day

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