I’m a big fan of this song. Sitting around the camp fire at Hayo-Went-Ha YMCA camp in Michigan belting out this song was a great summer for me back in 1997 and I still often hum, whistle or sing this song much to the annoyance of Lisa and my daughters 😂
It conveys a simple message – that there is brilliance in us all and letting it shine is a euphoric feeling, not only good for us, but a sure fire way to ignite the light in another.
I love candles 🕯️ – They bring light and warmth and with that comes peace and tranquility.
I was amazed the first time I went with my mum on the Bristol soup run how many tea lights and candles were taken by the homeless folks! Apparently, one little light can bring a lot of warmth and peace in an otherwise turbulent and stressful situation!
A habit of mine has always to light a candle after mass whenever or wherever I go – a candle of intention or a novena candle is a candle that accompanies a prayer and sending out a positive prayer and intention is a powerful thing to do.
When I light the candle I see that as a symbolic representation of me and how a little spark has fired up a flame bringing all the qualities mentioned above.
Earlier this year I was at the Easter Vigil Mass at St Peters in Crownhill just across the road from our home. What made this year’s Easter Vigil so special was the fact that we were in darkness! The clocks hadn’t gone forward so Mass at 8pm was in darkness – one little light – The Easter Candle is lit – and then from that one candle we take a flame and pass it on – in the space of only a few minutes the church and all the congregation go from darkness into illumination! The air is cool, and with all these little flames it warms up! And with the hustle and bustle of movement comes an air of peace and tranquility!
This is the intention of the little candle – enlightenment, warmth, peace and tranquility and a feeling of grace.
This doesn’t mean all the problems get fixed BUT it acts as a catalyst of positiveness to help reach a point of acceptance and with that comes peace of mind and a quietening of a restless spirit.
Every time I’m at mass I light a candle (actually I usually light about a dozen) and then take a few minutes of quiet reflection to send a positive ‘vibe’ to whoever has asked for a positive thought.
Try it, when you send a positive gift to someone you receive it back 😉
If you’d like a candle lit for you drop me a line and Ill add you to the list
Namaste 🙏 Have a great day