The Fools Pilgrimage – Wisdom over Money!

The Fools Pilgrimage – Wisdom over Money!

Creativeness over Competition.

We were away the weekend at a 90’s themed weekend and I found myself in a ‘bleary eyed state’ sat in church on Sunday morning – luckily mass was at 11:15am so I could have a lie in and then a coffee to get there in time! 😉

The first reading was from the book of Wisdom and tells how having ‘wisdom and understanding’ trumped silver and gold and how in her company all good things come along!

Wow 🤗 that sounds good – I always say to my girls – ‘the more you learn – the more you earn!’

I’m not just talking academia I’m talking about how intellect, imagination, creativity and understanding all come together to create wisdom.

I liked how in the Book Of Wisdom – wisdom is referred as ‘her’. This reminded me of a story I’d heard a long time ago at a business workshop I’d attended in the early days of being a Personal Trainer.

It’s the story of Lakshmi and Saraswati.

As I sat struggling to get some traction with my Personal Training business, you see as a self employed entity, all the focus in the business books was about competition and the competitive market – how can you undercut and out perform your competition. 

“Don’t be friends with other trainers and instructors because they are your competition!” Was the advice I’d heard from one of the Personal Training Trainers

I didn’t believe them, but I learnt that lesson the hard way! Some of my closest people and friends in those early days would swoop in and steal my clients/ my members the second my back was turned! 

In a world of perceived scarcity how do you draw people towards you?

Creativity! Understanding and Wisdom!  which was explained to me in the story of Lakshmi and Saraswati.

In the ancient Vedic traditional there is a tale of Lakshmi the goddess of wealth and her counterpart Saraswati the goddess of knowledge. 

Most people chase after Lakshmi and covet wealth. But she is a fickle goddess and elusive BUT she loves the attention and the adoration. 

Saraswati however gives the gift of knowledge and infused with passion and imagination sparks creativity. 

When people follow her looking for creative endeavours Lakshmi becomes jealous and in turns runs after the devotees of Saraswati. 

Creativity therefore leads to wealth as an effect of being creative in your endeavours!

In the same way from the book of Wisdom tells us that in “In her company all good things came to me, at her hands riches not to be numbered”

So, be creative, unlock your imagination and understanding and wisdom will be your reward and riches the result 🤗

Namaste 🙏 have a great day 😊

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The Fools Pilgrimage – Wisdom over Money!

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